Follow the stories of three teens who have trouble handling their angry feelings. Using scenarios, this program help teens discover that unacknowledged anger can cause depression, drug use, poor academic performance, and acting-out behavior that can strain personal relationships and lower self-esteem.

Rick lends his friend Louis his cherished and expensive baseball mitt to take to an away game. Louis carelessly leaves the mitt at the other school. At first Rick denies his anger and avoids Louis, who repeatedly apologizes. Finally he acknowledges and expresses his anger and is able to repair the friendship.

Jenn’s boyfriend breaks up with her and immediately starts to flirt with her friend Melody. Jenn blames Melody for the break-up. Furious, Jenn has such an enormous blow-up with Melody that her teacher brings her before the school’s disciplinary council. Hurt, betrayal, and disappointment are just a few of the feelings that Jenn is covering with anger.

Sylvie’s parents are divorced. Her dad has just remarried. Her time with him has been scarce enough, but now Sylvie feels abandoned. Overwhelmed by feelings, Sylvie starts smoking pot and cutting her classes. When Sylvie gets counseling help she learns that she is out of touch with her feelings of loss. Teacher's Guide included (23 min) c2002
