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Watch Mark Overmeyer as he conducts six individual writing conferences and one group conference with students in grades three and five. Mark describes how he uses conferences to meet the needs of all writers, including beginning English language learners, advanced students, and students who struggle to develop their ideas. A bonus section includes a peer conference with Mark's comments about how to help students support each other.

In each conference, Mark tries to support writers where they are. He shows teachers how to approach conferences from a place of inquiry by listening to students' ideas, praising them for their successes, and asking enough questions to more clearly understand how to offer support. Mark provides a window into his decisions during conferences and comments on what he knows about each of the featured writers. Although he offers tips for making conferences more efficient and effective, Mark does not attempt to provide a "one-size-fits-all" approach to conferring, because he believes that each writer is unique. Individual conferences can offer ideas and spark conversation among teachers who work with writers of all ages.

Year: 2012 Grade Range: 3-6 Media: 40 minutes, 1 disc + viewing guide ISBN: 978-157110-879-1

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