The driving force behind every one of us is the most powerful organ in the natural world: the human brain.

Brainpower The driving force behind every one of us is the most powerful organ in the natural world: the human brain. Through six case studies of the body in crisis, the program examines how different parts of the brain can help the body overcome tremendous obstacles, from surviving a firestorm to being stranded at sea for more than two months. Precise 3D animation illustrates how the brain can alter the mind's perception of time, while a review of current sleep research considers how we can influence our dreams.

Strength The human body is engineered for strength, power, and endurance. Awe-inspiring stories of an injured hiker who lifted a 1,200-pound boulder off his chest and a police officer who was able to outrun a raging firestorm illustrate the amazing capacities of our bones and muscles. The program highlights the importance of adrenaline in triggering life-saving bodily reactions during emergencies, while the story of a swimmer crossing the English Channel considers how the body converts carbohydrates and fat into energy.

Sensation Less than one-twentieth of an inch beneath the skin are the antennae that let the brain experience the world. This vital gateway is the entrance to the original information superhighway—the nervous system. From a helicopter pilot attempting a dangerous rescue to a man undergoing a root canal without anesthesia, the program explores how the brain and nervous system register sensation and coordinate all of the body's reactions. Innovative 3D animation reveals the trauma of a serious leg injury and considers how the body can suppress feelings of pain during times of immediate danger.

Sight Vision has been called the king of senses—nearly 80 percent of what we know about our surroundings comes from our eyes. Amazing case studies of a police officer in a high-speed chase and a firefighter searching for survivors of an intense blaze reveal the incredible capacity of the eyes and brain to convert visual stimuli into images the mind can recognize. Detailed computer simulations explain the functions of the pupil, lens, cornea, and optic nerve, and a feature on the latest vision research questions if it's possible to re-create sight for the blind.

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