Effective study skills increase a student's chances of success on standardized and teacher-made tests. This series provides learners with straightforward strategies to help them become confident, effective test-takers and improve their study habits.

These programs show students how to handle both standardized and teacher-made tests by helping them recognize the variety of test questions they'll encounter and then modeling different strategies that they can use to aid in the selection of the correct answer.

Practical tips on improving test preparation, concentrating while studying, and guidelines on how to keep calm in test-taking situations are just a few of the important facts covered in this fascinating series.

Using humorous scenarios and a whole lot of fun, this seven-part series provides students with a full complement of test-taking tools that can be used in any test-taking situation. Each DVD is 21 minutes long and is English-language subtitled. Can be purchased separately for $49.99 each or as a set of six DVDs and one CD-ROM for $320.00.

• Introduction to Study Skills DVD - Tips are given on how to improve study skills, take better notes, concentration during studying, how to improve one's memory, time management, and more in this live-action program.

• Effective Note-Taking - The ability to take effective notes is a key component in obtaining good grades. This program discusses a variety of different note-taking methods, including Outlining, Mapping, Sentence and Charting methods. Students will also become familiar with the components of the lecture and learn how this knowledge can help them become more effective note-takers. They will also learn about the importance of active listening in the note-taking process and which note-taking methods work best with individual learning styles.

• How to Concentrate While Studying- Discusses different methods of concentration while studying at home and school. Students will also become familiar with new focus techniques that can help them concentrate better while studying. This program also mentions the importance of getting adequate rest prior to upcoming test and quizzes.

• SQ3R Strategies for Reading Improvement - The ability to comprehend while reading is another critical part of getting good grades. Students will learn how to survey, ask questions, read, recite, and review information while studying at home or doing daily work at school. Students will also become familiar with new focus techniques that can help them concentrate while trying to study.

• Successful Time Management Systems for Students - In this program we break down key elements to find out if you are a procrastinator. An educational priority list and its components are shown. Setting academic goals are very important to becoming a good student; different ways of setting them are included in this video. The program gives students thoughts on cramming the night before a big test.

• How to Improve Test Taking Skills – This Program consist of three sections Improving your test scores on Essay , Reading comprehension test and true false test. Comprehension tests appear on nearly every type of test, whether it is standardized, teacher-made or on the SAT. Tests, students will learn specific strategies for answering the literal, inferential and analytical questions that populate these types of tests. Reading comprehension tests appear on nearly every type of test, whether it is standardized, teacher-made or on the SAT. In Taking Reading Comprehension Tests, students will learn specific strategies for answering the literal, inferential and analytical questions that populate these types of tests.

• 301 Practice Standardized Tests for Students - At the kindergarten level children typically receive their first paper-and-pencil test, which ostensibly gauges reading readiness. Those who score in the bottom quartile are encouraged or required to spend another year in kindergarten, or are placed in a K-1 transitional setting that often leads to later retention. The rationale is that children benefit from the knowledge teachers gain from the test. Yet, teachers gain little important knowledge from such tests. This program will give all students the extra practice that they need. No more surfing the Internet for standardized practice test. Provides a variety of essay tests, reading comprehension tests, math tests, and hundreds more for students to practice.

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