To have sex, or not to have sex? This is the question that troubles Twenty-first Century teens. While media messages seem to constantly proclaim that everyone everywhere is sexually active, this is simply not the case. It’s true that a lot of teens have given in to the pressure to have sex, but many have later regretted doing so. Wiser young people are deciding to put off sexual relationships until they are more mature, at which time they’ll be better able to deal with the emotional commitment that should accompany intimacy. Learn about the benefits of abstinence and make decisions about sex that are based upon careful considerations. When you spend time thinking about sexual intimacy before you’re confronted with the temptation to dive into such a relationship, you’ll be a lot less likely to act on impulse. (19 min) ©2001


Learning Objectives

1) Students will learn what triggers sexual desire. They'll learn why teens long for physical intimacy with another person.

2) Students will become aware of the importance of emotional readiness in sexually active people.

3) Students will consider the many consequences that can result from sexual activity.

4) Students will learn about steps they can take to reduce the chances that they'll become sexually active before they're really ready.

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